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Knitting for people in need

The Solinetz is an association that campaigns for the dignity and rights of those people who seek refuge in Switzerland due to political or existential need.

The non-profit association is supported by the commitment of numerous volunteers. With various projects, the Solinetz contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of several hundred refugees and sans-papiers in the Zurich area. The Solinetz Zurich was founded in September 2009.

more information at

(Description of Solinetz taken from the homepage)

This year we collect knitted scarves, hats, socks etc. We are also happy to give children's and baby clothes, which we will give to the Solinetz association towards the end of the year.

If you would like to join in, feel free to contact us - we still have a lot of leftover wool to distribute for this purpose.

At this point I would like to point out that we are also opposing "Black Friday consumption" this year.

On our Bright Friday November 26th, 10% of the sales will be donated to the Solinetz association

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