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Frequently asked questions and further information


Wool, its manufacture and the manufacture of textiles

Most of the wool that is commercially available is obtained conventionally. This means that the animals have to suffer from painful practices or toxic chemicals are used in the processing. Cotton and other vegetable fibers are treated with pesticides.

In this way you get cheap wool and yarn, but you accept animal suffering, the pollution of the environment by chemicals, bad working conditions and low wages.

When shopping for the MariMar Strick Café, we make sure that wool and yarn are processed organically, without cruelty to animals and without the use of toxic chemicals.

Another aspect is the working conditions and hourly wages in textile processing. Here, too, the MariMar Strick Café would like to set an example by paying fair wages to the knitters and selling the finished garments at a price that reflects the real workload.

Fair fashion


Fair fashion means that production conditions are taken into account when selecting the materials.  

How were the animals treated?  

Were toxins used in processing the wool?  

Were the workers fairly paid?  

Do the working conditions comply with the guidelines of  ILO (international workers' organization)?

The knitters who work for MariMar Fashion are also fairly remunerated. Our hourly wages meet the requirements of the GAV Textil Schweiz.

GOTS certification

Global Organic Textile Standard  is recognized worldwide as the standard for processing textiles made from organically produced natural fibers. At a high level, it defines environmental requirements along the entire textile production chain and, at the same time, demands compliance with social criteria.

GOTS guarantees:

- that the sheep do not have to suffer mulesing

- No dangerous chemicals are used in wool processing

- the workers receive a fair wage

- the yarn is examined for harmful residues

Video about GOTS certification

Oeko Tex Standard 100

The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is an independent testing and certification system for textile raw, intermediate and end products at all processing stages. Examples of certifiable articles: raw and dyed / refined yarns, raw and dyed / refined fabrics and knitted fabrics, ready-made articles (clothing of all kinds, home and house textiles, bed linen, terry towels, textile toys and much more)


Criteria which the pollutant tests include:


  • prohibited substances  

  • legally regulated substances  

  • known to be hazardous to health (but not yet legally regulated chemicals)  

  • as well as health care parameters


In their entirety, the requirements go well beyond existing national laws.

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What is mulesing?

Mulesing or mulesing is understood to be a method common in Australia and New Zealand, which is intended to prevent the infestation of fly maggots in the sheep.

For the mulesing process, the sheep is fixed with metal rods so that it cannot move. The tail fold is then tightened above the anus by removing a V-shaped piece of skin in the proximal third of the tail. The tail is then docked from the third caudal vertebra. 

The procedure is performed without anesthesia and no pain relievers are administered during or after the procedure.  

What is sheep dunking - bathe in pesticides

In conventional sheep farming (in Australia and New Zealand) the animals are driven through pesticide baths before being sheared. This process - also known as sheep dunking - is supposed to kill the parasites in the wool. 

Not only are the sheep exposed to the phosphates and pyrethroids (both strong neurotoxins), but also the shepherds and workers who come into contact with the toxins. 
The residues of these poisons are then also in the processed wool and in the clothing made from it.

Organically managed shepherds do not use pesticides and rely more on sheep breeds that are more robust and therefore more resistant to parasite infestation.  

What is vegan wool?  

What is Veggi wool?

a detailed description and explanation can be found here

Why did wool become more expensive in 2019/20? And why were the prices increased again in 2021?

The demand for merino wool has risen sharply in recent years. Above all, the need for mulesing-free and fairly produced merino wool. 

As a result, the price has risen sharply. Most of the producers had tried to cushion the price over two years in advance by accepting minor tales. In the meantime, however, all of my suppliers have adjusted the prices and, in some cases, increased them significantly.

The price of knitting needles and accessories has also increased significantly since 2020.

The restrictions and more difficult production conditions as a result of the pandemic have in some cases led to sensitive price increases.

Until the end of 2020, I was able to cushion the increased prices of the suppliers. However, due to the difficult situation caused by the two lock downs, I also had to adjust to 2021.  

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